General Student Committee

The General Student Committee (AStA) is an organ of the constituted student body. It represents the student body, carries out the decisions of the student parliament (StuPa) and handles the day-to-day administration of the student body. The AStA consists of the chair, the deputy chair(s) and the other elected team members. Below, you will find information on all current departments.

The AStA represents the interests of the student body, for example towards the office of the university president, the university administration and professors. It is important to point out the special needs and problems of the students of Paderborn University in the broader societal context and to actively work towards improvements. However, the AStA does not only take over representative tasks, but also helps the students as a permanent contact in case of problems and questions. The AStA is elected once a year by the StuPa. At the end of the summer semester the students of Paderborn University are called on to elect the members of the StuPa. The legislative period starts on October 1st of the year and ends on September 30th of the following year. In addition to the university-political aspects of the AStA’s work, it runs the AStA Copyservice, the Stadtcampus and the DIY Bicycle Workshop. Several times a year we organize large university parties, such as the AStA Sommerfestival, small cultural and political events, as well as various workshops and other education programs. If you get stuck, feel free to drop by the AStA main office at any time.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Elected Team Members

Torsten Heß 


Phone: 05251/60-3170

Office hours: by appointment

Samantha Rein


Office hours: by appointment

Mo Falke



Office hours: by appointment

Celine Richter


Office hours: by appointment

Julian Rische


Office hours: by appointment

Tatjana Lüke


Office hours: by appointment

Ramazan Cem Mahanoglu


Office hours: by appointment

Svenja Volpers


Office hours: by appointment

Frederick Schwarz


Office hours: by appointment

Cara Schaarschmidt


Office hours: by appointment

Tim Aßbrock


Office hours: by appointment

Benedikt Jakobi

E-Mail: (regarding Copyclient:

Office hours: by appointment

Sandra Eckert


Office hours: by appointment

Rules of Procedure

The AStA of the 53rd Student Parliament adopted these rules of procedure after their meeting on 21 October 2024.

AStA Staff

The AStA employs about 20 non-elected staffers who work for several different departments of the AStA. You also would like to work for the AStA? Then keep your eyes open on our job board and our Instagram channel, where we regularly post job openings in our team.

The Assistant to the Chair is a non-elected permanent employee who assists the Chair of the AStA, especially in matters of transit policies and personnel, and provides consistency and continuity.

Julie Hiedemann
05251 60-3690

The AStA Service currently consists of six student employees. They are in charge of the Copyservice, i.e. they execute all offered services from basic daily maintenancce of the printers to producing hardcover edtitions of your theses. Furthermore, the AStA Service is probably the first point of contact in the AStA for many students: They provide general information about our work and services and they can authenticate your official documents for university use. The AStA Service can be found in room ME U 205.

The general administration and coordination of the AStA Service is done by Janek Ewerbeck.

The AStA Service team currently consists of seven employees which you can contact through here. Among others, these very nice people will currently welcome you at the AStA Service: Leonard Ahrenbeck, Hannah Blasczyk, Lynn Gardlo, Carolin Linz, Chantal Seidel and Janek Ewerbeck.

The DIY Bicycle Workshop currently employs two staffers. They will assist you during maintenance and repairs of your bike with all their knowledge and abilities. The DIY Bicycle Workshop is located in the inner university courtyard. Opening hours can be found at the bottom of this website.

Currently, Christoph Wübbe and Maxim Charitonow are your go-to guys at the Bicycle Workshop.

Our elected team members for social matters (see above) are supported by two staffers. They provide consultational services, administrate the legal and tax consultation, organize workshops and events and take care of many other things related to our social office. The social office is located in room ME U 209.

If you wish ro reach out to the social office staff Marie Bleich and Miriam Frings are the two people to talk to.

The entire AStA Stadtcampus (incl. the Study Space) currently employs three student staffers. Amongst other things, Nils Lünne, Pia Marie Krüper and Janna Uhde are tasked with administrating booking requests and maintenance of the Stadtcampus infrastructure.

Our IT department is supported by two administrators. They maintain the AStA website, adminstrate student email lists, assist the entire AStA team in IT matters and co-develop the AStA apps such as the copy app or the Digital Erstitüte, for instance.

These very helpful people are Pascal Appelbaum and Paul Schübeler.

Currently, Christine Kühn is in charge of accounting in the AStA. Additionally, she also assists the elected team member for finances during their administrative period.