
You wish to contact us? Just send us a message via this contact form or call us during our opening hours at the phone number provided.

For questions to our elected AStA members, you can find all the relevant contact details here.

Want to make an appointment for an authentication of official documents? You can find the reservation tool on this page.

Would you like to advertise a job offer on our job board? You can find the corresponding form here.

During opening hours we can also be reached by phone at 05251/60-3177 erreichbar.

Do you want to pre-order a thesis? You can find the order form here.

During opening hours you can also reach us by phone at 05251/60-3178.

During opening hours you can also reach us by phone at 05251/60-3178.

The room booking tool for the AStA Stadtcampus can be found on this page.

During opening hours you can also reach us in urgent cases by phone at 05251/60-2487.

You would like the AStA to support you in promoting your event or something else? Please use this form.