Semester Ticket

Nowadays, being mobile is very important. Every student of Paderborn University receives a Deutschlandsemesterticket with which they can travel all around Germany.

Our semester ticket has been replaced by the Deutschlandsemesterticket!

Here you can find instructions on how to download the new ticket.

You will only receive your semester ticket digitally, for this you need the OWL-mobil app.

Apple App StoreGoogle Play Store

The application is only possible as soon as the re-registration for the corresponding semester was successful (visible in PAUL under Meine Daten > Persönliche Daten > Semesterstatus).

If you have any technical questions or problems or general questions about the semester ticket, please contact us directly.

FAQ - Semester Ticket

There seems to be a technical problem at the moment, which is why some of the registration emails are not being delivered. If you still have not received an email after 5 minutes, please contact us with your problem at

The ticket displayed is only valid for the current month as long as you open the app once connected to the Internet at the beginning of the new month. At the end of the month, the ticket is automatically extended, so you don’t have to do anything until the winter semester.

If this doesn’t work, log out of the app once and log in again straight away. This should solve your problem and the new ticket will be displayed in the app.

Since 23.09.2024 there has been an update to the OWLmobil app, which eliminates the need to enter a payment method as a prerequisite for the semester ticket. In the registration process, there is now an option especially for students to skip the payment method.

To obtain the ticket without a payment method, you must update to the latest version.

For students who have already stored a payment method and would like to remove it, the support of the payment service provider LogPay is available. This can be reached by telephone on 06196 8012-702 or by email at Further information can be found here:

After registering via the link in the email, you will be redirected to the browser. You can close this again immediately and continue the process in the app. Here you log in with the account you created via the “My account” tab at the bottom. Once you are logged back into the app, the process continues with tickets.

Here you have to choose April, as the validity of your ticket only starts in April.

To see your ticket, go to Tickets below and then to My tickets above. You will then find your Deutschlandsemesterticket under future valid.

For the month of April, there is a special regulation that allows you to use your student ID as a travel pass in the state of NRW. So if you forget your cell phone in April, you can simply show your student ID together with a photo ID.

Students who demonstrably spend more than three months of the semester outside the area of validity of the semester ticket are entitled to a refund of the earmarked fees for the Deutschlandsemesterticket  ticket upon application. Please note that a refund is only possible for the respective semester and the application must be submitted to the AStA Social Office by March 1st for the respective winter semester and by September 1st for the summer semester. You can find the form to apply for a refund here.

The Deutschlandsemesterticket must be ordered via the OWLmobil app. Detailed instructions on how to apply can be found here.

These links will take you directly to the download:

Apple App StoreGoogle Play Store

The application is only possible as soon as the re-registration for the corresponding semester has been successful (visible in PAUL under My data > Personal data > Semester status).

The Deutschlandsemesterticket can only be used in the OWLmobil app. It is only valid in combination with an official photo ID.

Attention: The AStA accepts no liability if the ticket in the app is not accepted by the public transport company or if the app does not work.

The semester ticket is available to all students enrolled at Paderborn University. The Germany semester ticket is valid as a ticket for all means of local transport throughout Germany (i.e. not for ICEs and not in first class). Please note that when using the semester ticket, you automatically accept the conditions of carriage of the respective transport company.

The Germany semester ticket has completely replaced the old semester ticket and is the only ticket at Paderborn University.

No, that is not possible for most cases. There are a few exceptions. You can find these exceptions, as well as how to apply for a refund, below.

The ticket is valid for the entire semester, i.e. in the winter semester from October 1 to March 31 of the following year and in the summer semester from April 1 to September 30. During the period of validity, it is valid around the clock, even during the semester break. The legal basis for the semester ticket are the contracts concluded between the student body and the respective transport companies.

If you have any difficulties with Deutsche Bahn staff or are fined, please send us an ">email with the day and train/bus on which the incident occurred, the ticket if applicable and a screenshot of your semester ticket. We will then take care of it.

Yes, exchange students can use the semester ticket as soon as they have paid the semester fee and provided proof of health insurance. The semester fees must be transferred to the respective university account. Please remember to state your matriculation number!

From summer semester 2024, the semester ticket must be used in the OWLmobil app. It will no longer be sent by post and can no longer be collected in person.

The night buses in Paderborn can be used with the regular semester ticket without a surcharge, as the surcharge is already included in the price of the semester ticket.

In some cases, night buses are subject to special fare regulations and a surcharge may have to be paid. In some cases, the semester ticket is not valid at all.

The night buses in Bielefeld cannot be used with the ticket.

No, that is not possible. In general, the ticket is only valid for the person whose name is printed on the semester ticket.

The only exception are children under these conditions in the following areas:

No, this is not possible with the Deutschlandsemesterticket.

There are exceptions for the transportation of children for many transport companies, please inform yourself individually there.

Basically no, in order to be allowed to take a bicycle with you, you have to get an additional ticket. This costs around €5.

Folding bicycles are an exception; these can often be taken on board at no extra cost. The same applies to e-bikes and e-scooters/scooters. This also only applies explicitly to foldable e-bikes and e-scooters. However, please check with the transport company you are traveling with before using them.

Semester Ticket Refund

The semester ticket is an obligatory part of the semester fee. In exceptional cases, however, a (partial) refund can be applied for. This is possible if one of the following cases applies:

    • Students with disabilities who are entitled to cost-free public transportation according to the SGB IX. An official and valid disability ID, including a public transport pass, suffices as proof to apply for a refund of the semester ticket.
    • Students can apply at the Studierendensekretariat for a vacation semester (e.g. for a semester abroad or internship). Once this application has been confirmed, you are entitled to apply for a semester ticket refund. Please note that the application for a refund must be submitted before the start of your vacation semester. If your application is approved, you are no longer entitled to use the semester ticket.
    • Students who will cease to stay enrolled: Should you conclude your current study program, this rule applies until the end of the second month of a new semester. In this case, a partial refund will be granted only for the complete months that students won’t be enrolled for anymore. In case you don’t re-enroll for a new semester, the deadline for application is before the new semester commences. Once the exmatriculation process is completed, you are no longer entitled to use the semester ticket.

All of the abovementioned applications (e.g. application for semester ticket refund, application for vacation semester etc.) have to be submitted via PAUL (“Study”>”Study Organisation”). If you have any further questions regarding the refund, please contact the AStA social office directly.