AStA Helferlein

Are you interested in helping to shape life on and around campus, taking on responsibility and looking behind the scenes at events of all kinds?

Then become a volunteer and sign up here!

You will then regularly (about once a month) receive a short e-mail newsletter moderated by the AStA. In it, you will find all the events that still need helpers.
The events are organized by the AStA, the student councils, initiatives or project areas of the university and are aimed at all students of the university.
You will receive all information about the events, your tasks and your benefits in advance and you can decide for yourself if you want to sign up as a helper for an event.

Support in one or two shifts for example the bar, the admission, the catering, the set-up or dismantling and enjoy before and after the event itself to the fullest!
We appreciate your support and will of course return the favor: Helpers receive free admission, drinks and, depending on the event, other benefits such as catering, a crew shirt or an after-show party.

Are you interested? Then please add your university email address to the mailing list:

Subscribe to mailing list

If you help at different events, you can expect an invitation to our exclusive helper party and an exclusive AStA helper shirt.
Small tip: Individual AStA helper shirts are available at every major AStA event.
If you have any questions, please contact us at

You are a representative of a student council, an initiative or a project area and you need helping hands at your next public event?
Then contact us at and your event will appear in the next newsletter.

Please submit the following information in full:

  • Event name, organizer:in, event date and time, and event location.
  • Description of the event
  • Description of tasks and requirements as well as benefits for helpers such as drinks and food
  • Time slots for the shifts, including set-up and tear-down.
  • Responsible person and contact details
  • Link to the event (optional)
  • Preliminary shift plan (optional)