For many lesbian, gay, bi, trans*
, inter* and queer people, coming out is still a big and courageous step and it needs people in society to build bridges and provide support.
The corresponding day of action takes place in cooperation between the @blick_landesfachstelle , the AStA Paderborn and the central equal opportunities officer of the @uni_paderborn. The day of action will be complemented by a series of events and an exhibition by blick* and Demokratie leben! entitled “Feldwege zum Coming-Out” (Field paths to coming out), which can be seen from 19.11. to 15.12. on the entrance level of the university library and provides insights into the lives of LGBTIQ* people from rural areas.
Furthermore, on 27.11. from 09:15-10:45 in C5.206 in cooperation with the Center for Gender Studies (ZG) and the anti-discrimination project “Schule der
Diversity”, a project presentation and an information workshop by Nicolai Domscheit for
for prospective teachers and all other interested UPB students.
The series will conclude with the event “§175 StGB. Geschichte mal anders.”- Live talk on the criminalization of sexual orientation from a historical perspective with Jack Kaltepoth on 28.01.2025 from 17:30-19:00 in the Gewölbe.